A collection of my poetry and prose.


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Blog, Other, Autism Anika Drysdale Blog, Other, Autism Anika Drysdale


Today I had a, let me say an unusual predicament. I had a line of one of my poems and each word was lined up nicely on the left hand side.

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Blog, Other Anika Drysdale Blog, Other Anika Drysdale


Have you ever looked back on things with a sense of nostalgia - a tear in your eye and smile on your face? I don’t know about you, but I love looking back at some things and remembering the good bits.

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Blog, Other Anika Drysdale Blog, Other Anika Drysdale

Hospitals - yuck! Or maybe not

Well, actually, that’s a yes and a no. There are some good and bad things about them. You meet all sorts of people who are there to care for you because you can’t be nursed or looked after at home.

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Blog, Other Anika Drysdale Blog, Other Anika Drysdale

Words From My Heart

Well I had written the post out and was just going to send it to my friend to check when I messed up the process. Kevin had told me to press command z, and I messed that up too!

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Blog, Other Anika Drysdale Blog, Other Anika Drysdale

Oh, How Sweet!

Now don’t tell me you haven’t said this to yourself over something like a puppy or kitten or photo/video or anything, because everyone has done. Well, I can’t be the only one. I know it.

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Blog, Other Anika Drysdale Blog, Other Anika Drysdale


Have you ever sat and thought about nostalgia and what it means to you? You know, the good, fun times. The times when you were happy.

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Blog, Other Anika Drysdale Blog, Other Anika Drysdale

Thoughts on Soulmates

I was thinking about when i first met Kevin and discovered that soulmates were actually real. You see, I hadn’t been sure. I WANTED them to be, but that didn’t mean they were.

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Blog, Other Anika Drysdale Blog, Other Anika Drysdale

Wave of Light Finish

There was a time I heard about babies that went to heaven. I sat in conversations where people were told their child was just too poorly to live so God took them home.

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Blog, Other Anika Drysdale Blog, Other Anika Drysdale

Wave of Light

As you know, I have mentioned this a couple of times and yes it happens TONIGHT, Sunday 15 October 2023, in your living room. Where you burn either a candle or candles between 7 and 8pm whatever your time frame is.

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Blog, Other Anika Drysdale Blog, Other Anika Drysdale


Have I ever told you that I like to watch tv programmes where people change their house (or someone does it for them) or someone who renovates old, falling apart places.

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Blog, Other Anika Drysdale Blog, Other Anika Drysdale

Hospital x-rays today

Well, as you can see I went for x-rays today. And it was quite a lot of effort to even get out the door. At least my anxiety was more or less under control while I was out.

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Blog, Other Anika Drysdale Blog, Other Anika Drysdale

Your Walk

Do you ever stop and think about the path you have travelled through the years? Sometimes I like to do so, because although life isn’t perfect.

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Blog, Other Anika Drysdale Blog, Other Anika Drysdale

Wave of Light

Hi all I just wanted to pop in and remind you the Wave of Light is happening on Sunday evening between 7and8pm wherever you are in the world.

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Blog, Other Anika Drysdale Blog, Other Anika Drysdale


In the last ok probably 48 hours, I think I have probably slept 40 of them. The fact I was fighting a migraine and didn’t realise was probably a great part of it.

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Blog, Other Anika Drysdale Blog, Other Anika Drysdale


I don’t know if I’ve told you but with my falls it’s got very frustrating because I know I need to do some kind of exercising but if I do so, I basically have a fall.

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Blog, Other Anika Drysdale Blog, Other Anika Drysdale

Emotions and Creation

I can imagine you understand that yesterday would bring a lot of different emotions in me. But I want to talk about it today, because maybe, just maybe, it can help someone.

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