
Have I ever told you that I like to watch tv programmes where people change their house (or someone does it for them) or someone who renovates old, falling apart places, or alternatively to both of them, someone who builds from fresh.

I am actually surprised by this in a way.  I mean, i came to Scotland and it was a dramatic change for me to come from near London all the way to Paisley in Scotland near Glasgow.  I always thought I would be useless at decorating, so I had never looked at what went together and how to choose different materials for each room and how to tie them together.

Now, I admit I know a HECK of a lot more about that and I think if and when we move, I will be able to do it without relying on someone else to tell me what to do.  And it’s interesting to see that people don’t LIKE to do what’s known as “cookie cutter” places.  I was thinking that it is because there are so many differences in the world.  Think of how different we are all of us….even identical twins!  

And just think that every snowflake that falls to the ground is different.  When you think how tiny that is it is an amazing fact.  We all have unique fingerprints and apparently the roves of our mouths are not the same too.  You look at nature and the animals and trees and land and sea…..have you found them all the same?  No.  It’s not just colour itself, but the variations in the shade of the colours and the shapes and sizes that make them unique.

So making renovations the same but different is just taking your cue from nature.  I mean, when you create/plan/write/sing/whatever, you don’t do things exactly the same every single time you do them….(well, actually, Johnathan and Kevin do in some areas but each different ones) and even autistic people don’t do absolutely everything the same.

I was going to say renovations are like life, but I guess essentially everything is about life.  But then you think that a seed has to grow into the ground and die before springing into life again.  Sometimes I believe we have to die in some way so that regrowth or renewal can come.  Think of the forest fires or bush fires that basically destroy the landscape.  The complete beauty is gone BUT it brings amazing transformation and in a few years, the burning is a distant memory and it is more luscious than ever before.

So death is a part of life - death and life and change.  They all come together in a massive conglomeration that can bring freedom and is stunningly, amazingly, wonderfully beautiful form to behold.


Wave of Light


Hospital x-rays today