
Today I had a, let me say an unusual predicament.  I had a line of one of my poems and each word was lined up nicely on the left hand side.  I had never believed before that margins would make such a massive difference to just simply put  some words lined up down the page.

I know it is a good idea to leave a margin in your day - you know, so that you can check you’ve done everything you had to do and mentally or writing down what you are going to do tomorrow.  Or some people use it as a time for journalling to make sense of their lives and what is going on around them.

You see, it then got me thinking about margins and how some people or animals can be so very pedantic in their ways and what they want.  Sometimes it comes to the point when they actually end up with ICD, because they are so worried about leaving things out.

But then you have someone like me who hates to have everything the same.  I like to wake up when my body is ready - and write when it wants.  Yep, Kevin was not convinced it was a fantastic idea when I woke up at 3am and wrote a post because it had suddenly become clear to me.

For myself, the margins aren’t set during the day.  I don’t have lunch specifically at 12 or dinner at 6 or anything like that.  Well, sometimes Maisie will think I haven’t got lunch in an appropriate time and she will come to my chair and growl and bark at me to go and get it.

Writing for me is more a cathartic experience and I love doing it.  Years back Kevin suggested I write about autism because that is what I know and live with every day.  I said to him that I didn’t want to have autism in every area of life.

So I guess for me, I write about autism and my more fluid margin is posting about life and the poems I have been inspired to.  Well, you see, the fact is, although I WRITE about the autistic spectrum and my experience of it, there is a margin in my life to write other things.  

And margins can also be whatever else you do - like crafting or something like that.  I have been wanting to expand my margins more and do something much more creative in my life.  Do you know what your margin is and if and how you can extend it?


Critical Thinking


Belief And Autism Once Again