In the last ok probably 48 hours, I think I have probably slept 40 of them.  The fact I was fighting a migraine and didn’t realise was probably a great part of it.  When I’m not well I either SLEEEEEEPPPP or I’m awake…virtually the whole time.  So that was fun!  I don’t know at what point I realised I had a migraine, I just remember Kevin giving me the medication for it.

Having said all that, my sleep pattern is never consistent.  I am a typical discovery writer in that my discoveries can happen at any time….even if it IS 4am and I STILL haven’t been to sleep yet!  When I was in my teens and early 20s it wasn’t too much of a problem, but now I’m approaching 50 it’s beginning to become a bit irritating.  However, it does mean that if Tara or Maisie want out of our room at night for any reason (food and bathroom) I tend to wake up – I don’t always, but either I wake or haven’t yet fallen asleep.  

I will say our new beds are VERY comfortable, so even if I AM awake, I feel like I’m resting anyway.  Actually, I know why I might have been so tired – I forgot we had two ladies come and clean and they were here for like 4 hours, no actually, possibly nearer 6 although they only charged for what we had booked, thank goodness!  I know that the next time they come it’s not going to be so bad or so heavy for them.  And having two of them meant the more physical jobs were easily divided between them.

As I write this, we have the random photo thing going on the tv.  It’s so weird to see a photo of when Kevin and Johnathan had the flu one day after the other around Christmas and then I went down with it when Kevin was finished (thank goodness!).  I had to carry all the presents we had for Johnathan  and put them on the bed.  Kevin opened them and gave them to Johnathan while I took photos.  Both of them were sleeping like crazy…..even my rarely asleep son!

One thing I just can’t understand is Kevin being able to get into bed and just “switch off” his brain and fall asleep.  Occasionally it will happen with a migraine or something, but it’s not a regular event like it is for him.  Johnathan obviously doesn’t have that ability either!  He is better than when he was younger with sleep but he’s still not fantastic.

So hopefully now I’ll be back to my normal pattern of sleep.  I don’t look for it to become 8 hours of sleep a night, because I’d probably be up writing….but the amount I usually have will be fine.


Wave of Light


Friendship and autism