Returning to Life – ok, writing again

I thought I would say something about returning to normality again (well, back to whatever normality is for me) and so back to my writing life.  I was very unwell and the first hospital didn’t do the job is was meant to, so I had to go to a second.

Anyway, I am returning to life again – ie getting my writing schedule back under control and beginning to get back to doing it regularly.  And thinking about what I am going to do for Christmas, sorting life out for our family  during the holiday season.  

Writing really is my – how shall I put it? Breath of life.  I NEED to write.  There is something inside me that calls to pen and paper, or should I write something.   It’s been my joy and challenge definitely since I was 16 and started to write poems for myself to relieve some of the stress in life.  And then when my friend Sheila discovered it, she found competitions for me to enter.

Where I find myself now, as opposed to where I was, is chalk and cheese.  Here in Scotland, my life is well, not stress free, but it’s definitely a slower pace of life and that appears to be suiting me, just as I thought it would.  

Before I moved up here I had plans for my life.  And moving up here, the plans have changed and morphed as we have gone along.  But you know what?  That is actually OK.  I don’t mind that they have changed, all I want is to be with Kevin and for all of us to complete our life’s journey.  

I am well aware of the fact that I am struggling with anxiety at the moment, but I am going through therapy and that’s ok.  Carol has been comforting, supportive and kind.  Finding the right therapist has been a struggle but it’s worked in the end.


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