Your Walk

Do you ever stop and think about the path you have travelled through the years?  Sometimes I like to do so, because although life isn’t perfect, the steps I took to get here and now are as unique as you and I are.  Maybe you had a happy childhood, maybe you are happier now.  I  can’t tell you the path to take because I am not wearing the shoes you do.

You see, the walk you take was designed perfectly for you.  And it has led you to the here and now that you live in.  You can run, jump, skip or walk along whichever road you choose.  Because you can allow things to distract you, or be consumed with what you see around you every day.

Life is never static.  Even if nothing else, your body is moving as you breathe.  In and out go the lungs.  Breathing, heart beating fast or slow – it doesn’t matter.  I think it was 3 or 4 years ago now, Kevin suggested I write about autism because I have now acquired some knowledge on the subject what with the reading I have done and working with my son to help him through anything that stands in his way, sometimes by just watching and seeing him find a way to solve things himself.

Do you have things you want to change in your life?  Well, mostly they take place through tiny, small changes that are committed to.  And they are things you want to do because you know they are going to lead you to where you would like to be in life.

When I left England, there was much joy in my heart as I drove over the border to Scotland and my new life.  I knew it was the next step for me to take to get where I wanted to go.  And not only have I found  my soulmate Kevin, who became my husband, but I have discovered the delight of a child born to us that I love with all my heart.

There are times people come alongside us, not to take our walk from us, but maybe just to be by our side, to let us know that they care.  Sometimes they even travel our path for a while.  Sometimes they are there forever and it doesn’t matter what amount of time has passed, you pick up from where you left off.  Some are people you meet for a night and never see again and everybody is on one of the many levels in between these spaces.

If I could say one thing to you it would be to look and recognise the path you want to take.


Hiding and Finding things with autism


Frustration and autism