A collection of my poetry and prose.


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Blog, Autism Anika Drysdale Blog, Autism Anika Drysdale

This and that

I had another fall earlier this evening. Annoying. I mean, REALLY annoying. I was trying to help Kevin by going into the porch area or the cats area.

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Blog, Autism Anika Drysdale Blog, Autism Anika Drysdale

Johnathan’s Games

There are what I think of as a few types of games in Johnathan’s life – ones that he found on the internet and was extremely careful about what he chose, even as a young child.

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Blog, Autism Anika Drysdale Blog, Autism Anika Drysdale


Yes, I suppose it’s a weird topic for me to discuss, but that’s nothing new.  It’s the inspiration we get when we get it that we write about (ok, well I do, (as most discovery writers). 

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Blog, Autism Anika Drysdale Blog, Autism Anika Drysdale

Looking at life

Looking at life as a child, You tend to believe what you’re told, And even when you are grown up, The life you live reflects that.

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Blog, Autism Anika Drysdale Blog, Autism Anika Drysdale


Oh boy! What I could tell you about it….but I won’t because I don’t want you to be scared of it.

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Blog, Autism Anika Drysdale Blog, Autism Anika Drysdale

Negative into positive

Earlier the week I had a medical appointment that had been rebooked from a few weeks ago. I was not able to do the procedure the first time because I was on antibiotics.

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Blog, Autism Anika Drysdale Blog, Autism Anika Drysdale

Feel the fear

I actually was just thinking about this. One year I read a book all about feeling the fear but going on and doing it. Now, I have been considering the fact that we don’t tend to mention the differences in simple fears and actual long held anxiety.

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Blog, Autism Anika Drysdale Blog, Autism Anika Drysdale

Unexpected things and anxiety

It can be quite hard to live with sudden events happening. But life throws them up and suddenly glitches are part of life and there is nothing we can do to prevent them occurring in life.

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