Words From My Heart

Well I had written the post out and was just going to send it to my friend to check when I messed up the process.  Kevin had told me to press command z, and I messed that  up too!  Ach well, you get a new post and I get to write it again..  Do you know that often when you do that, you do a better job?  

Let me see, where’s the best place to start?  OK, with the whole concept behind Words From My Heart.  A friend and I had been chatting about my work and came up with the idea of Words From My Heart.  But I already try and write to you twice a day.  Where on earth am I going to fit it in and how often will I be writing in it?  

What my plan was is to try and let you know what is going on in our family and things that strike me over the time -  I am thinking once  a month to start with and then we shall see if I think it should be more or less or the same.  

Oh, and just to thank those of you who did light candles during the Wave of Light and thought about or prayed for the families who have suffered one or more baby losses.  It meant the world to me, especially as we have six in heaven.

I truly hope you would sign up for the email.  There is so much I want to share with you.


Games in Life


Precision and Autism