Thoughts on Soulmates

I was thinking about when i first met Kevin and discovered that soulmates were actually real.  You see, I hadn’t been sure.  I WANTED them to be, but that didn’t mean they were.  I mean, you see things in movies and you’re kind of like “hm, that’s how they sell romance and feel good movies” - or maybe you don’t.  I certainly did.

When I met Kevin online, it seemed like everything we said, we were either both in agreement to start with or were able to COME to an agreement very quickly.  We chatted online and on the phone and over skype before we met in person for two weeks.

Then when we met in person, it was like the world itself vanished and I had known him FOREVER, and I was delighted to know that he felt the same.  We talked for FOUR HOURS SOLID and when he walked me to my car and I drove him to where the taxi could pick him up,as he got out the car, I felt like I was being torn in half!

Now I’m not saying we think the same thing all the time.  Fact is, I couldn’t understand his computing stuff even if he led me through it bit by bit, I would be confused by probably the third sentence.  And although he likes the fact I write, it just doesn’t mean anything to him.  He can read it, but it doesn’t mean anything to him.

In general I would say we have the same oh, how shall I put this…aim or desire in life, we don’t think the same about every tiny thing.  The very first time we went out after moving into our new house, we were going out together and I had planned to do some things whereas HE had planned to do other things.  It got rather frustrating, but after that I tried to be sure to check with him before we went out to do things what he was planning on and what I was thinking and we would compromise.  

We do know when one of us is up and the other one down.  And he has always known if my depression is getting worse or if I am tired enough to NEED to sleep in the day.  I know when he has had enough and I will tell Johnathan he needs to stop bugging his Daddy and if he is able to be kind to me and allow me to sleep, then he should be to Daddy too.

So here are my thoughts on soulmates.  Would you agree?


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