Wave of Light Finish

There was a time I heard about babies that went to heaven.  I sat in conversations where people were told their child was just too poorly to live so God took them home.  I basically let these kind of things wash over me.

And I even actually KNEW women who lost babies in the womb in my early 20s and I even took a friend back and forward to hospital when she lost a baby, but I didn’t REALLY understand it.  Or the impact it could have on families.  

Then one night it was freezing outside and my car’s heater wasn’t working.   I had a chest infection so couldn’t go anywhere far.  I was in my flat when the cat entered with a mouse.  I exited, land went to see my next door neighbour.  She answered the door and told me I wouldn’t WANT to come in as she and her friend were drunk.  Their friend had lost one baby after birth and the other twin had died that day and that was her last chance of getting one.  They asked me if the babies were in heaven and would I pray over a candle for them.  

When we lost our first baby I was devastated, but I was told by a medical person that if a baby got to 20 weeks in the womb they would be fine.  So when Natalie passed 20 weeks I thought she would be fine.  So to have a stillbirth at 35 weeks was an even bigger shock.  

As I was saying, baby loss can come at any time, even in this day and age.  Sometimes problems with the child are able to be sorted, or detected early enough that things can be put in place to  prepare for the child.  But this is not guaranteed.

Yes, many pregnancies go on to a fantastic conclusion.  And I am grateful for them and for those that have them.  I am grateful for all seven of my children - the six in heaven and the one here.  I know the devastation it can cause, but also the many blessings that can come - contact with new people, support for yourself or others, ways to help others, new ideas and finding creative outlets you didn’t know you possessed.  

And as we enter the end of the Wave of Light, I would just ask you to remember and be grateful for all the beautiful children in the universe, whether here or in heaven.


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