Comfort vs Comfort Zones

I was just driven to write this by a picture with words on I was doing some digital colouring on.  And it made me consider the differences between the two.  They sound like they SHOULD be nearly the same thing, but actually, they are not.

Comfort is something I NEED to have while I am writing my poems or anything else for that matter.  While I am writing I need it because the words simply don’t flow without it.  I have been trying to do so since I got home the second time.  It’s not been easy so I’ve been working on a different project that I KNOW you’re  going to love.  They are intended to be ready for 1 December 2023, along with the second edition of my book, Our Brave New World and Johnathan’s book of acrostic poetry for children .  So it’s going to be really exciting for us.

If there’s going to be any changes in these plans I will let you know as soon as possible.  As you are probably well aware, things happen that we can’t control – like me being in and out of hospital, for instance.  But I trust all will go well and we shall get everything ready and am REALLY excited about the new idea.

Back to what I was talking about – comfort zones are simply that.  They are a place you can go to when you need a rest and curl up with a book or snuggle down under something.  They are NOT a place of work.  It’s not a place of thinking, but of resting.

But then, when you are comfortable, it IS a place you can work.  If you are UNCOMFORTABLE it’s hard or even impossible to work.  Before I start writing, I begin doing something artistic because it gives me the time to get things straight in my head.  Johnathan often asks me why I don’t write until the evening.  Well, the fact is, until I have subconsciously thought the whole thing through. It’s not possible for me to write them.  Sometimes the thinking is quick, but often it is not.

So being comfortable and in a comfort zone are different things.  I think comfort stimulates you to work but being in a comfort zone is a place you shut your mind off so that you can rest.  Do you think I am right about this?


Sudden Changes and Autism


Hopefully tomorrow