Don’t be afraid of Poetry

There are so many things that people are afraid of and yes, I could have chosen to talk about many other things that are feared.  However, what I wanted to “tackle” I suppose, is the fact that I hear (and said myself, actually - out loud and internally) that people don’t read poetry.  And, quite frankly, I used to say that I would read anything….but I never, ever read poetry that I wasn’t forced to read for my exams.

But that doesn’t mean it’s a right attitude to have.  Have you ever REALLY looked at poetry?  One of the things I said was “I don’t read poetry, I just write it,” thinking that was excuse enough from me.  Is that really the RIGHT thing to say?  Actually, I think not now.

One of my friends was telling me that she had never read poetry before I had introduced her to what I wrote and she now loves reading them!  She has read all of my poetry, completely and has actually written a lovely one herself.

Have you ever thought that a lot of young children’s books are poems?  I really do mean it!  That’s why they flow so well and you can get your child to join in and say what’s coming next when they know the story.  And the rhythm!  Wow.  All of it together.  

I can’t remember if I told you about my journey towards writing and publishing my poems.  Well, I’ll give you a quick run-down while we’re here.  My friend Sheila used to read all my poems - actually, I’ve JUST remembered, that her twin sister had bought a poetry book and I sat there reading it out loud to them both!  Amazing how things suddenly come into your mind suddenly.

Anyway, Sheila got me entering poetry competitions and I got four or five poems printed in a few different books.  That was my teens to late twenties.  She gave me the courage to “put them out there” and I will ever be grateful to her for that.Without the fact she encouraged me to carry on writing.  

The second edition of Our Brave New World should be coming out 1 December. 2023;  It will be bigger with more poetry so do look out for it. Don’t be afraid of poetry

There are so many things that people are afraid of and yes, I could have chosen to talk about many other things that are feared.  However, what I wanted to “tackle” I suppose, is the fact that I hear (and said myself, actually - out loud and internally) that people don’t read poetry.  And, quite frankly, I used to say that I would read anything….but I never, ever read poetry that I wasn’t forced to read for my exams.

But that doesn’t mean it’s a right attitude to have.  Have you ever REALLY looked at poetry?  One of the things I said was “I don’t read poetry, I just write it,” thinking that was excuse enough from me.  Is that really the RIGHT thing to say?  Actually, I think not now.

One of my friends was telling me that she had never read poetry before I had introduced her to what I wrote and she now loves reading them!  She has read all of my poetry, completely and has actually written a lovely one herself.

Have you ever thought that a lot of young children’s books are poems?  I really do mean it!  That’s why they flow so well and you can get your child to join in and say what’s coming next when they know the story.  And the rhythm!  Wow.  All of it together.  

I can’t remember if I told you about my journey towards writing and publishing my poems.  Well, I’ll give you a quick run-down while we’re here.  My friend used to read all my poems - actually, I’ve JUST remembered, that her twin sister had bought a poetry book and I sat there reading it out loud to them both!  Amazing how things suddenly come into your mind suddenly.

Anyway, she got me entering poetry competitions and I got four or five poems printed in a few different books.  That was my teens to late twenties.  She gave me the courage to “put them out there” and I will ever be grateful to her for that.  Without the fact she encouraged me to carry on writing.  

The second edition of Our Brave New World should be coming out 1 December. 2023;  It will be bigger with more poetry so do look out for it.


Precision and Autism


Disappointment and Autism