A collection of my poetry and prose.


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Blog, Other Anika Drysdale Blog, Other Anika Drysdale

Hospital x-rays today

Well, as you can see I went for x-rays today. And it was quite a lot of effort to even get out the door. At least my anxiety was more or less under control while I was out.

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Blog, Other Anika Drysdale Blog, Other Anika Drysdale

Your Walk

Do you ever stop and think about the path you have travelled through the years? Sometimes I like to do so, because although life isn’t perfect.

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Blog, Other Anika Drysdale Blog, Other Anika Drysdale

Wave of Light

Hi all I just wanted to pop in and remind you the Wave of Light is happening on Sunday evening between 7and8pm wherever you are in the world.

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Blog, Other Anika Drysdale Blog, Other Anika Drysdale


In the last ok probably 48 hours, I think I have probably slept 40 of them. The fact I was fighting a migraine and didn’t realise was probably a great part of it.

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Blog, Autism Anika Drysdale Blog, Autism Anika Drysdale

Friendship and autism

I guess this is quite a weird one for me to write about. You see, neither Kevin nor Johnathan believed in friendship particularly, or were bothered by it.

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Blog, Other Anika Drysdale Blog, Other Anika Drysdale


I don’t know if I’ve told you but with my falls it’s got very frustrating because I know I need to do some kind of exercising but if I do so, I basically have a fall.

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Blog, Other Anika Drysdale Blog, Other Anika Drysdale

Emotions and Creation

I can imagine you understand that yesterday would bring a lot of different emotions in me. But I want to talk about it today, because maybe, just maybe, it can help someone.

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Blog, Other Anika Drysdale Blog, Other Anika Drysdale


One of my friends asked me to write about this, so here I am, doing so. Friendship. Now where can we start on a subject like this?

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Blog, Other Anika Drysdale Blog, Other Anika Drysdale


I was just thinking about treasure and the different ways we view it and what we consider to be it. You see, everybody has a different idea.

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Blog, Other Anika Drysdale Blog, Other Anika Drysdale


Do you know I’ve actually wanted to talk about this topic for some time. It’s been brewing away and I hope is finally ready because I’ve tried a couple of times and not got anywhere.

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Blog, Other Anika Drysdale Blog, Other Anika Drysdale

Baby loss

Well here we are at the start of October. This year has gone by SO quickly. I can’t believe we are so close to the end of the year.

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Blog, Other Anika Drysdale Blog, Other Anika Drysdale

Degrees etc

Yep, I am moving from lions to degrees. Why? Well, my sister just mentioned the schooling for her daughter and it took me back to my degrees.

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Blog, Other Anika Drysdale Blog, Other Anika Drysdale


Do you know that before I started counselling, I didn’t really think about what I did or the reason why I did it? As I’ve been having more sessions I have been thinking more about the characters I create.

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