A collection of my poetry and prose.
Scroll down too see more.
Black and White Thinking and autism
Why black and white thinking? It’s the way that people on the spectrum think. I must admit, it can and has caused some problems or difficulties.
Development and autism spectrum
Today I want to talk to you about development and the autism spectrum because they develop in different ways and times to other children.
Thank you & some info
Hey, it’s so GOOD to see you! Do you know since the website started up over 1k people have looked at the site! And it’s not even 3 months yet!
That “meh” Feeling
Yep that one. Maybe it’s the Monday blues as you start work, I don’t know. But I do know that all of us have had it and seen other having it. It’s not a pleasant feeling, is it?
Feet Again
You might think it a bit weird me talking about feet again, but there is a definite purpose to it. Now I know you have read about me allowing Johnathan to choose his first pair of shoes.
Finding and Finishing with Autism
I will admit that these two things are one of the areas I find difficult to deal with. But I do know that is my problem and not theirs.
Beauty is…..
I decided today that I would go back and talk about beauty that is discoverable in the world. So today, I want to talk about glass. And really it’s actually quite a massive topic.
Organisation and Autism Again
There’s probably quite a bit that I could say about autism, but today I want to cover the thought of the kind of atmosphere in their own home somebody on the spectrum needs.
Wedding Anniversary
Was it REALLY 14 years ago I married Kevin? Yes, it was. My goodness, we are so different to the people we were then! I was in my 30s, having had my face reconstructed a couple of years before.
Vision and Autism
You probably have realised that most babies and children like to look in your face and not only at what they are doing or what is in front of them.
Clothing and Autism
I must admit, even before Johnathan was born, I was considering my own clothing and what it might feel to the baby inside of me.
I was wrong
It’s quite something when you have to admit you are wrong. And do you know what? Doing it helps you to continue to live life knowing you have recognised it, admitted it and apologised for it.
Meltdowns vs tantrums in Autism
I want to talk about the two different types of behaviour and need when you deal with a child on the spectrum. One is the common area of tantrums that you are used to dealing with.
Homework and Autism
Well, well, well. Homework. Oh my! The tales I could tell of the nightmare that happens with homework. No matter what it is, there can always be an issue.
Obsessions and Autism
Obsessions? Really? Yes. Really. Now they are an integral part of life with autism. And I would say there are two types of them (if you can describe it like that).
Order and Autism
“Order?” you say. “Why on earth order?” Well, actually there’s a very good reason for it. People on the spectrum LOVE order.