
I was just thinking about treasure and the different ways we view it and what we consider to be it.  You see, everybody has a different idea.  Have you heard the saying “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure?”  Because it really is so true.

When I met Kevin, he had lots of watch magazines and absolutely loves them.  If we are out shopping, he has always gone to look at watches in the windows of jewellery shops. And I also know that when Kevin takes Johnathan shopping into Glasgow, they look at the different watches in the windows in the Argyle Arcade.  Truthfully, before I met Kevin, a watch was just a watch that you wore and it told the time for you.  Basically a watch would work or not and if not, you got another.

So, you see, to me, watches when we first met were not treasure.  To him, they were.  He would show me ones in magazines and books and asked if I like this, this or this and by the time it got to 3 or 4 I was already lost and couldn’t remember what the first or second one was like.  Now I can see them and have got to know some of them.  And yes, it IS interesting.  But not something I would have thought to look at or even investigate.

Kevin also collected Furbys and he shared/shares that love with Johnathan.  Now most of them belong to Johnathan (I believe maybe there is one that Kevin has kept and never taken out the box).  To me their “voices” are loud and annoying but they loved them and have “Furby  Parties” where they would try to get all of them speaking at the same time and I just couldn’t cope with the racket that would then ensue, so they would have them when I was out of the house.  I will say the NEW furby’s voice is much less shrill and squeaky so I don’t really mind.

However, me, for my part collect teddy bears and anything with a soft feel as well as the “right” level of squishness.  And we have collected them during our significant moments through the years with some ornament teddy bears as well.  Johnathan has been great in “buying” some for my birthday when he has been out with Kevin.  He also collects ANY kind of soft and squishy toys available (apparently he beelines them in any shop, according to his granny).

Then there are my treasures that I have for our babies in heaven.  They are all important to me and I think you saw that from what I said yesterday.  And of all the candles we have burned for them over the years, I have always kept one or all of them as a treasure and aide memoire.  So we’re now over to you - What kind of things do YOU treasure?


A Curve Ball Day and Autism

