Degrees etc

Yep, I am moving from lions to degrees.  Why?  Well, my sister just mentioned the schooling for her daughter and it took me back to my degrees. When I first went to the university, I really didn’t have a clue as to how it would work or the people involved.  It just seemed weird that you were able to call the lecturers by their first names!


And you know what?  I made some surprising friends and got to know more of the world round about me.  I had lived on the site my school was, so I didn’t have to travel anywhere, just walk over to the school there and then I had to travel 22 miles on the M25!  Yay, not!  I remember one night being at a standstill for FOUR HOURS!  So it was a massive shock to my system to always have to get up in the morning and get in the car to go to University.  


I discovered that if I left about ten minutes to seven, I could get to the university in time for the lectures because the journey was between half an hour and forty five minutes but if I was later, it could be up  to 3 hours and I would be late…..So leaving early meant I was there by the time lectures started.  There was someone who arrived about the same time as me every day but he came from the other side of London!  We became friends and I found in in my second year that he had been instrumental in protecting me from knowing many unpleasant things.  I didn’t just go to lectures but made and visited a number of friends in the surrounding area as well.


Then my Masters Degree was done by 2 fortnights of classes with only the Sunday off and 9am to 5pm every day and then completed courses at home as well.  Completely different.  


And now?  Well I will admit my mind isn’t as sharp as it was then.  I like things to be much simpler.  Having said that, thinking is hard when you have to tease out an idea in your mind, but I do it because this is what I love.   I love to write because I am a discovery writer and it is fascinating to see what I come up with.


Do I regret the two degrees?  Now there’s a question.  Truthfully?  I don’t know.  I am just happy to realise the type of writer I am .  Writing has been a constant in my life., both in my past and my present.  Moving to be with Kevin didn’t interrupt it.  He encourages me to write.  And that’s wonderful.


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