
Do you know I’ve actually wanted to talk about this topic for some time.  It’s been brewing away and I hope is finally ready because I’ve tried a couple of times and not got anywhere.  

I don’t want you to think of inflexible as being stiff in body. Johnathan has hypermobility and has broken both arms already…fortunately neither Kevin nor I do.  Having said that, I think we’ve got plenty of other health issues that need resolving.  Kevin has another appointment tomorrow and we’re not exactly sure what is going to happen as this is his first trip to the department.

Anyway, enough about our health.  That isn’t the important thing at the moment.  I wanted to talk about being inflexible IN YOUR MIND.  You see, it can cause terrible problems and guilt when people are inflexible with their feelings or beliefs.  Basically it makes the other person feel either like they just ran into an immovable stone wall or groping in the darkness and not finding anything.  Either are terrible for the other person.

When I was younger I THOUGHT I was flexible in my thinking, but actually I realise now that I really wasn’t!  Hm, one of  the funnier ones I was inflexible about was NEVER having a dog wearing clothes….um, you’ll see Maisie does….Anyway we had had a bad experience with one groomer and the new one we were trying wanted to help us in some way and brought Maisie home wearing a top.

  I didn’t say anything to her, because I didn’t want to be rude.  But I noticed that Maisie was a MUCH calmer dog wearing her top.  She used to bark almost incessantly and now she was only barking when any self respecting dog would be expected to bark!  

Suddenly I had to face the thought of having a dog wearing clothes!  Because she is so happy in a top.  She absolutely adores them and can be really grumpy and moody and bark incessantly   So she really needs them.  The vet is happy with her wearing them.  He says she has attachment issues.  So I said to him she was neurotic  He then said to me that he couldn’t say that.  My response was that she’s my dog so I can.

Now I am well aware Kevin’s  parents don’t like the fact she is wearing tops.  But if you saw her charging up the hallways to where she KNOWS her clothes are kept, you wouldn’t leave her with nothing on.

So I have HAD to become flexible about dogs wearing clothes because now I KNOW it can be done because the dog NEEEDS clothes to wear to keep her happy. and it’s not a fashion statement her wearing them, which is what I thought!  Inflexibility of thinking is something that can cause an issue for others.  Do YOU know where your thinking is so static it is causing an issue for someone?




Baby loss