A collection of my poetry and prose.


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A Short Trip Down Memory Lane

This evening I was chatting to my sister online and we were talking about antihistamines (of all things - I guess it shows how old we are, or something).

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Must be done NOW with autism

One of the biggest things we have come up against with Johnathan is IMMEDIACY If something is going to be done, he doesn’t HAVE patience to wait for it.

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Yesterday it was Johnathan’s birthday and I would guess the most normal of all of the ones he has had. He is 10 years old and we have seen him grow and develop and finally begin to learn how to make friends.

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Toilet Training and Autism

Normally, you would expect someone to toilet train their child between approximately 18 months and 3 years. And you’d go through the normal process of them learning what wet, dry and dirty.

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Changes and Autism

One of the big things someone on the spectrum hates is change. And so do cats, for that matter. Last night my duvet was over the end of my bed and further over the end.

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Autism Itself

I suppose I should have told you this a while back, but it’s taken me until now to say. i guess it’s better late than never…You really DO need to know about autism itself.

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Arguments and Autism

Well, what can I say about this? It’s very easy to get caught up in an argument with an autistic person. But, having thought about it, I do believe that there are times that the autistic person isn’t actually arguing for the sake of arguing.

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Labels and autism

Do you know this is the one part of autism that I really wish would change for parents? Because, you see, traditional methods of punishment don’t often work with neurodivergent children.

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Toys and autism

Sometimes I feel toys and autism are a strange subject. You see, with autism the child develops differently to other children because of how their brain is wired.

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Do you know there are times when I just don’t have inspiration? Not because I can’t get inspired but something has made it stop. Or my pathway to it.

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Today I was truly honoured by somebody sharing a poem with me that they had written. I could understand her saying that she didn’t think she was a poet, but what she gave was from the bottom of her heart.

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Beauty is….

One of the main sources of life in the world is water - pure, filtered, mineral, fizzy, still are the words that come to my mind when I think of it.

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Unbreakable balls

You know I told you I bought some balls for Johnathan that were advertised as being unbreakable - well, he has already managed to break one!

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Poem Anika Drysdale Poem Anika Drysdale

Inspiration shines

Inspiration shines down on us, No matter what the time of day, Exploding fireworks so alive, Sounding deep within the heart.

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What would you do for loved ones?

The other day I saw an advert for something that i wouldn’t necessarily watch and the question was basically the same as the title but at the time my initial reaction was “not much.”

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