Wedding Anniversary

Was it REALLY 14 years ago I married Kevin?  Yes, it was.  My goodness, we are so different to the people we were then!  I was in my 30s, having had my face reconstructed a couple of years before.  Then arriving in Scotland, meeting, getting engaged to Kevin and marrying him in the same year.  I moved up in the December and married Kevin in the following September.  An amazing year and a complete transformation for me.

I’ve just been writing about looking at people and it’s connection to autism.  I never liked looking at people’s eyes particularly but it was amazing to look into Kevin’s eyes and just see the love and care and affection he had for me.  I know I still find nothing better than looking into his eyes even now.  Fourteen years later.  My goodness, what a joy it is!

Through the years we have been together, we have been through so much!  Six of our babies in heaven and one boy here.  But you know what?  With Kevin by my side, he has been the person I lean or vice versa.  We mean so much to each other and as the years go by, we love each other more and more.  And I trust we will be together for many more years.

There have been good and bad changes, and I have watched Kevin develop and grow into being a manager in Systems Information as he has seen me grow into an author.  We encourage each other to be the best of ourselves, and help each other when needed.  Our family life may not be perfect, but we do the best we can for each other and our family.

I am delighted to see the growth of my writing and my website.  Finding Jamie (who deals with my social media) has been one of the best things EVER!  I don’t have to worry about how things are going out to “the world” because I know he is doing a fantastic job.  And Johnathan has even started writing - having done an article for the website and is now writing his own poetry book - but acrostic poetry, something I haven’t really found that appealing.  I like the four lines a verse poetry.

So as Kevin and I grow older together, we are more in love than ever and we will continue to help each other grow and develop and do whatever we can to look after each other and our family.  We are truly blessed and have what we need because we are together as a family.  We are looking forward to whatever is to come in our future.


Organisation and Autism Again


Vision and Autism