
Have you ever considered the mental and emotional changes you go through in life?  Or even how you change, grow and develop?  Someone made a chance remark to me today that got me thinking about it all.  They have been sick with Covid but getting better now and I was asking how she was doing.  Her response was that she “felt she would return to normal fatigue levels next week.”  

I began thinking about this and my mind was racing, imagining all the changes I have been through.  Childhood, puberty, teenager, young adult, married, children, covid and now the new world we have emerged into.  Different to what we ever expected….

But the funny thing that struck me was that as a child you think being tired is almost wrong.  That you should have endless energy.  Yeah, as an adult I know better and I also know why I didn’t have a lot of energy as a child….but I never understood it then.  Even if an adult had told me, I wouldn’t have believed them.

And then we come to the consideration of mental changes.  I think we see further as adults and have more knowledge - well obviously we do.  We have been through school, we have learned and understood and lived life and basically got life experience.  

We know that as adults being tired, or getting tired, is a natural part of life.  And that when we get tired we either go for a nap or sleep through the night or try and fight through it and keep going.  I have discovered that sometimes if I have a cup of tea when I am starting to get tired, it perks me up again and sometimes I just need a sleep.  

Mentally, I do believe our outlook on life changes and develops as we grow.  We can look back at our childhoods and wonder at our former selves and how we believed the world to be.  And all of us have gone through Covid…..well, that has changed us for eternity.

Emotionally, learning to be patient and loving life and having a great outlook on life isn’t as easy as it sounds.  We may be fine mentally and physically, but if we are NOT ok emotionally, we will encounter problems mentally and physically.  In fact, each of the three impact each other.  The changes we go through in life make the difference in how we view the world.

We all have the power or ability to change our lives, but in order to be able to do so, we have to have certain beliefs and abilities and characteristics and physical ability and stamina and desire to do what we want to do.  I “could” have been an air hostess, but I’m not because of my physical ability and height.  I am a writer because I have the imagination to do so.  Not everybody has.  I know that if you want to change your life you can - I did.  Look at everything and what you can do and determine if it’s possible for you or not or if something else will suit.


Beauty is…..


Organisation and Autism Again