A collection of my poetry and prose.
Scroll down too see more.
Where do you find your inner peace?
Where do you find your inner peace? A special place in the world outside? A space you find inside yourself? Or in the treasures at your home?
Hope and Expectation
I must admit, I was thinking I would just do a post about hope. But then I thought that when you hope you have an expectation something WILL happen because you are hoping it will.
Johnathan and I had a complete day together alone yesterday. Kevin had gone IN to work so, other than the carer coming for a couple of hours, we had to spend time together.
SPD (Sensory issues) and shoes
Many children with autism have a problem with sensory issues. Even before Johnathan was born I picked clothes and blankets that felt beautifully soft.
Left myself out
I was talking to someone and she pointed out that in the post I did when I talked about my potential and gifts etc, I DIDN’T talk about what it would mean TO me, FOR me.
Crediting your potential and low self esteem
Have you ever thought about what a kind of dichotomy we live by? We try to build our children up by pointing out their potential and express to them how good they are at (fill the blank here).
Following Joy
I was just reading an email by Louise Fletcher Art. And I will admit that I actually found it fascinating. She was talking about the fact that as an artist (I will add creative person) you have to follow your joy.
Music and Jonathan
Well, actually, I can’t say that I am surprised that Johnathan likes music. He was exposed to loads of it when I was pregnant.
Arguments and Determination
One of the most exhausting, delightful but frustrating things about children on the spectrum is their determination. Now of course this can be used for good or bad.
Brutal Honesty
I wrote a few days ago about my experience with Johnathan and the artwork we completed together. And it was a fun, humbling, joyous, exhausting, demanding time.
Today with Johnathan
I will admit that often with Johnathan’s various autistic needs I feel either helpless or struggle to work out what to do next.
The Joy of Life
The joy of life discovered me, And showed me where I am, Things that made me happy, Are expressed in different ways
Beauty is…
Have you ever sat down and thought about the beauty of life itself? There have been many times I have, actually.
Beauty is…
I would like to talk about the beauty of books. Now I know not everyone would have had the same passion I had for reading when I was younger.
If you believe you can, you can!
There’s a saying I’ve heard. “If you believe you can’t, you’re right, if you believe you can, you’re right”
The Wardrobe
I don’t know if you’ve ever read the CS Lewis Narnia series. I think, out of all the books in it, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe touched me the most.
Beauty is…
Have you ever looked at any form of transportation and wondered at the lines and curves and how decisions were made in their construction?
Beauty is…
Today I wanted to show that beauty really is in the things that stop us and make us look. There are so many different things that could do that.