Shoes, shoes and shoes again with autism

Well, what can I say?  Have a child with sensory issues and OH MY GOODNESS they can have a problem with shoes (socks and tights too).  This morning we had a child late to school because the tongues of the shoes were both causing him a problem and slipping round his foot, making it uncomfortable for him to walk.

I know that it is a sensory issue.  I know we have had these shoes since the end of July, no I’m wrong.  It must have been the start of August because they go back mid August and Kevin took time off work to go get the shoes.  And I am well aware of the fact that we have had problems with these shoes from the beginning.  Every week, it seems almost (or is it actually every week)?

With both Kevin and I being disabled, if we can get shoes he can just slip into or maybe velcro or something.  Some time back we got some trainers? I think and we got elastic laces.  The girl serving us didn’t show me how to use the laces so we got rid of them and used the normal laces that were in the box.  We ended up managing to tie them in such a way that he could slip his feet in and out the shoes.

THIS time Kevin got him new shoes and they had normal laces but the shop lady put elastic laces in but didn’t put them in correctly and his feet kept coming out.  So I got annoyed and put the normal laces back in.  Kevin’s Mum took him out and unfortunately was constantly bending over tying the laces up.  She then took him to the shop and they showed her HOW to put elastic laces in and make them ok.

When Mary got back, she showed Kevin what to do, but I didn’t understand from the pictures on the pack (just couldn’t visualise it, you know?).  Then Kevin measured them, and later on cut them a bit too short.  Once we got that dealt with, we then thought things would be ok.

Obviously them being elastic it stretches.  And instead of telling us, he puts his boots on most of the time.  So……this morning he HAD to put the shoes on to walk to school and of course the tongue was moving and the laces were too loose.  And he was late for school.  Kevin finally managed to get ONE shoe fixed and I rang the school and asked them to do the other one.

This is the WORST pair of shoes we have got him.  And I think I agree with Kevin we’re going to get him a new pair.  Shoes and the nightmare of a child with sensory issues just can be a total nightmare.  When he was little there was ALWAYS velcro shoes even if they LOOKED like they tied up.  WHY on earth don’t they AUTOMATICALLY have some in every shop for children?  I am sure other older kids (even without sensory issues) would love the velcro because it’s SO much easier and quicker to put on.

Anyway, that’s what has fired me up this morning.  Just thought I’d write about it. 


Must be done NOW with autism

