
Do you know there are times when I just don’t have inspiration?  Not because I can’t get inspired but something has made it stop.  Or my pathway to it.

Some days it’s something someone has said to me that upsets me.  When that is mixed with anxiety and depression it can take a while for me to recover.  While that is going on, I just can’t get inspired because too much is caught up with the comment/s made.  

Other times it can be how I feel in my body.  I have a lot of bodily issues and if one of them is playing up it can completely derail any inspiration I might have.  

The other thing that can totally decimate me is the circumstances around me.  If I am too hot or too cold, or thirsty, or hungry or uncomfortable in anyway, it is as elusive as a needle in a haystack.  Once I am back to myself, I can write again.

It’s interesting, isn’t it, to think that one can be impacted so heavily by such seemingly inconsequential things?  Yet they are the foundation from which I function in my ability to find the precise words I need.

I guess actually you could say these are the cornerstones of my ability to be able to write.  Love them or hate them all these things have an impact on me that cannot be ignored.  They take me from writing to a dearth of words in life, on paper or computer.  

These times are sometimes scary but I think you must have confidence that even though for now inspiration has vanished, you will receive it back again.  And when you begin to feel that small spark inside you need to cherish and encourage it so that it can become exactly what you need it to be.

You see, not all life is run by rules and regulations.  Ok, let’s put it another way.  There are SOME rules and regulations you DO have to follow but not every little thing is prescribed for you.  I mean, for example, if you start a story at the end, where on earth would you put the beginning?  I will admit, I have read some books that put a PART of the end in various places, but they don’t tell it all so you discover it as the book goes belong.  

The author of the work/inspiration has the ability to choose exactly how it is presented to the world.  And that is their choice.  They can do it via poem, short story, novel, parts that go in consecutive magazines - in a sense it doesn’t matter because it is their decision how they wish to portray it to the world.

And inspiration, of course, is only part of the process of being a creative person.  With me, everything else comes second.  Because inspiration is my starting point.  That may not be yours, but it is mine and the things that fight against it are so overwhelming.  Sometimes I see it in a picture, other times in words, whether one or a phrase or a sentence, or the start of a poem.  Whatever the beginning, the ending is what actually counts. 


Toys and autism

