Inspiration shines

Inspiration shines down on us

No matter what the time of day

Exploding fireworks so alive

Sounding deep within the heart.

Sometimes the creator does it

So the glory can be hidden

A glorious satisfaction

For the gift deep inside the heart.

It can be so very fragile

That elusive, precious gifting

Something we cannot ignore

When inspiration comes to us.

So many times I have believed

That somehow it had gone away

It can invite so quietly

And softly does it flow in us.

Lying patiently within us

The sleeping part has to waken

And wait with baited breath

A sighing of wind in the trees.

Enjoy that blessed flow inside

No matter what your craft is

You are truly privileged

Having been granted it’s delight.


Unbreakable balls


What would you do for loved ones?