Autism. True and False by Johnathan

Hello. I am Johnathan. You've probably read a lot about me and my Autisim if you reguarly look at the website. Reguardless, I am here to Mythbust Autisim theories. So, LETS GET THIS SHOW ON THE ROAD! 1. Autisim is caused by vaccines. NO. ABSOLUTLEY NOT!!! Autisim is a Neurodivirgent Conditition. You are born with this. Not Manually. 2. Autistic people do not speak. Yes... But also no... Autistic people are on a SPECTRUM. I am on the high-functioning side. Meaning I have no disabilaties whatsoever. Other people on the spectrum might be non-verbal. Or disabled. I have seen this in my school countless times. 3. Autistic people are more violent. No. NO. I am actually more kind then the other people around me. I love to help around the house, I listen to the rules, and I think before I speak. I think what spurs this is MELTDOWNS. Meltdowns are when your brain has lost itsself. When life is too much and (Metaphorically) You are a bomb and you are detonated. No one would enjoy meltdowns, I can tell you. 4. Autistic people Can have any kind of intelligence. YES. Mainly, Autistic people have heightened intellegence. I definetly know I'm very smart. This next one isnt about autisim, but... 5. PTSD, Axienty, Ect. Are Nuerodivergent conditions. No. They are mental health issues. Somthing that (most likley will) require a phsychologist. 6. Autisim can be cured. NO!!!!!!!!! NO! Autisim is not an illness. And there is no cure. Even if there was a "CURE" for autisim, Nobody should get it. Lets stay as who we really are and show our true colours. 7.Girls/Woman Cannot be autistic. No. I know girls that can be autistic. I have seen it myself. While Girls Aparentley Have less of a chance to be diagnosed, They still exist. FINAL MYTH 8. Autistic people usually have some other condition. Most certinally! I don't think I have anything else OTHER than Autisim. But We HAVE considered giving me a ADHD diagnosis. And there you go! Those are all the myths I thought were worth mentioning. I might Make another blog for the website. But for now, Bye!


A Short Trip Down Memory Lane


Must be done NOW with autism