A Short Trip Down Memory Lane

This evening I was chatting to my sister online and we were talking about antihistamines (of all things - I guess it shows how old we are, or something).  Anyway, I am enjoying talking to her and discovering each other in (I guess) our kind of middle ages and it does’t really matter what we talk about, the fact we are in touch and trying to communicate is fantastic!  Been about 15 years since we last saw each other.

Anyway, the reason I am mentioning it at all was that I then started talking to Kevin about antihistamines and the ones I take vs the ones that we are aware of that are available in Scotland. Our dog has allergies and she has medication for it too!  Oh and Johnathan takes them as well.  In our household, I guess we just can’t get away from allergies or medication.

Quite interesting how things lead from one thing to another, isn’t it?  Oh yes, because we were talking about allergies and the conversation led to Johnathan and the fact he had his tenth birthday at the weekend.  

I said to Kevin there were only two things I remembered about my tenth birthday.  One is that I had a 1 and zero birthday cake and the other thing was that I met my brother in law’s family on that day.  Often his mother reminded me of that because she remembered me being sung happy birthday to on that day.

I asked Kevin if he remembered what he got on his tenth birthday and of course he did.  I have discovered that he remembers much more than I do after nearly 14 years of marriage.  Goodness!  I forgot it’s nearly our anniversary.  Good thing I have just remembered!

Although I don’t remember what I got for my tenth birthday I DO remember Rachel giving me two Sweet Valley books when I was twelve or thirteen.  I am pretty sure her then friend but soon to be later husband took her to go get them.

I was surprised to hear Kevin knew about them.  He said all the young girls in his school were reading them and he looked them up and I was surprised to know that whoever created the two series of Sweet Valley Twins and Sweet Valley High had produced over ONE HUNDRED in each!  

As I don’t have any daughters that age here with me I don’t know if they are still read, but I will say they brought my friends at the time and I much joy reading them.

So that was my short trip down memory lane and I was able to be very grateful my sister introduced me to those books all those years ago.  I can still remember the satisfaction I experienced when I finished reading one.  

As far as I can remember the series held together pretty well and I don’t remember the characters being mixed up.  That was one of my bugbears over many of the series of books I read so either they didn’t do it or the books were so good I didn’t notice or I did but didn’t mind.

Did you enjoy them or another series of books when you were a child?


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