Beauty is….

One of the main sources of life in the world is water - pure, filtered, mineral, fizzy, still are the words that come to my mind when I think of it.  I love watching water moving over rocks and land.  It’s so beautifully glorious.  It makes me happy inside to see and hear and even touch it.  We are always being encouraged to drink it.  And of course, there is boiling water, water from the tap, frozen water ie ice, rain, sleet, hail and what have you.  

In fact, during the time of the Roman Empire, they used water to bathe in.  And they even built special places where they could go and bathe specially, they valued it so highly.  I mean, we still have the Roman baths in Bath in the west of England.  They loved to be clean and water, of course is the best way to do so.

The Prince Regent who became king George IV, was one of the cleanest men in all of Europe.  He was the epitome of elegance and the king of fashion.  Many people believed that his only passions were beauty and elegance.  He had many objects de art and made sure his salons and gardens were the best in England.  Before our present King Charles III, he was the oldest man ever to take the throne from his parent, King George III.  And he made “taking the baths” a popular thing for courtiers  and the nobility.

As you probably know we are made mostly of water.  And we need some to survive.  We aren’t there to live without it.  People have attempted to cross deserts and die from lack of water.  In fact, camels are the best animals to take across deserts because they are the animal that can go the furthest without water.  When there are heat waves and wild fires etc, people can and do die from lack of water.

Water in and of itself is made up of hydrogen and oxygen (h2o).  We have lakes, rivers, brooks, streams, waterfalls, ponds, oceans and seas.  Some people even move close to them so that they can hear the sound of them and hopefully go in them or feel them, or fish from them.  They love everything about water.  

Do you know that water was harnessed during the Industrial Revolution?  They used steam or waterwheels to do jobs quicker than any person could afford to do.  To be truthful you could possibly say it was one of the largest forces used then.  Without water most of the machinery of life would have been impossible.  You see the beauty and pride men and women had in the beauty and grace of creativity.  In fact, we have a complete water cycle.  And reservoirs and dams etc hold the rain and snow that they use to make safe water for us to drink from.  Canals were used for specific boats to be able transport heavy things around the country instead of using pack animals.

I know I’m not the only person in the world who loves the sound of water.  In fact people move to be near it.  When I was younger and lived in England, there was a lake right at the end of the garden with a small waterfall and I thought that it was glorious to just lie on a bench listening to the sound rocking me to sleep.  People even have small fountains set up outside their home for them to be lulled to sleep listening to the sound.  They have known the beauty and glory of water.




Unbreakable balls