Disabled adapted properties abroad

As you know if you’ve read anything of mine over some time, I enjoy seeing all sorts of housing programmes - both at home and abroad.  Whether it’s fixing to sell, building from ground up, changing a house, or anything really house related I am happy to see.  Well, ok garden stuff at times, too but not always.

It’s quite interesting to see the difference between when people are looking for a holiday house or an actual HOME.  And I’ve been surprised to note that I can also pretty much guess which kind of property they like best…and the ones that they are looking for a home where they are or abroad adds another level as generally they are split in who wants what where.

But one thing I have been surprised about again and again is the lack of knowledge the presenters have over disabled needs!  I mean, WHY would you expect a young woman in a MANUAL wheelchair to go down a steep hill into the town square and BACK UP the hill HERSELF in the wheelchair WITH whatever she has bought?

You may have knowledge of using a pushchair or pram.  If so, have you ever tried to take them up and down stairs (you can’t pick up a wheelchair by the way) and everything needs to be bigger and wider - not JUST the doors!

Having said that, the UK properties are not that great either.  I mean, they are much better than they USED to be, but are nowhere near where they need to be.

And you know what?  As a disabled family you work WITH the problems that are presented to you in your home with the changes in your/their condition.  So quite honestly if there IS a difficulty, I know we can work as a family to fix it.


Brace yourself - we’re in it for the long haul 


Looking at life