My brain’s fried

Do you ever get to the stage you just can’t simply make ANOTHER  decision because there are just far too many to make?  You have exhausted yourself beyond the ability to function any more.  

And it’s at THAT point your child comes to you for help with something or ask you to play a particular game with you or wants a drink or something to eat or read you something, or want you to read it again.

I don’t know what you do at this point but personally I close my eyes a few seconds, take a deep breath and answer him.  Now this brings a partial sense of peace when I do it and that helps.

But I must admit, I did say to him once that lying in bed when you’re meant to go to sleep and discussing what life is about was NOT conducive to good sleep!  And anyway, my brain was fried and I didn’t think after 10pm….I mean, really?  A philosophical debate?  Ugh, no! 

Well, I’m writing this now after midnight so….well, writing’s DIFFERENT!  It’s not actually thinking as such but creating words around the idea you are trying to convey.

The brain is all fired up as you see words or images or pictures or whatever and it helps lead you on into what happens next.  Sometimes I get scared of starting something late because I worry I won’t finish at a reasonable hour

For me, writing is one of the sweet spot things that I hope I never have to give up on.  But I know I’m really beyond myself when I don’t even have the energy to write and my brain is fried  and there’s no coherent thought travelling through my brain.  That’s it!  Curtains and eyes closed and bedroom door almost shut – dog on the bed……what more do I need?  I tell you, that’s the point my brain is most definitely fried.


Negative into positive


Feel the fear