The Longevity of Marriage

Kevin and I got married in 2009, so I can’t say from experience about a 30 or 40 year marriage from personal experience.  Also, although we DO have 6 babies in heaven, we only had to deal with one child here on earth so far.  And although he is on the spectrum, we don’t have the same difficulties some couples that have two young children at once do (which was most definitely the reason for the break ups some years ago and I am guessing it probably still holds true today.)

Now I’m not going to comment on the rights or wrongs of WHY divorce and break ups happen.  That isn’t the point of the post today.  I want to talk about some of the reasons people actually STAY together.  Because for me, there has never been any desire for us to part no matter what has occurred.  

With our disabilities and the care I have needed , combined with the loss of our babies and having our son Johnathan, and we have never thought to part.  When we face difficulties, we do it TOGETHER and that makes it so much easier to bear.

So what IS it that has held our marriage together so well we have never thought of parting with each other?  Well, from the first, Kevin determined not to argue with me.  And after realising how much better it made our marriage, we both agreed that no matter what happened we would try never shouting at any children, our own or others) unless the child was in imminent danger.  And we have kept to that.

And these things are some of the things that have kept us together as a family and it’s been an amazing and sometimes unexpected events that have happened but it has only helped our love grow stronger.


Unexpected things and anxiety


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