Life Can Be Interesting

Do you know, I’ve been thinking of different things today.  Well, I guess we all do, but it’s been quite a day already.  Some days I simply don’t hear correctly and am often forced to ask the person if they said this and they look at me confused and tell what they DID say.

I will admit that this doesn’t make for good communication but if I can laugh about it, life’s better already.  But there are days when I can’t and you know what?  That’s ok too.  Laughing about things or not doesn’t mean that I am coping if i do or  don’t but I try to take time to just acknowledge it.  

With a family, it is not just my own feelings and ideas to consider,  When I was first with Kevin I hadn’t realised that if we were going out, we both had different expectations as to what this would mean.  I would go out of the house, leaving some things undone knowing I could return to them later.  Kevin would stay in the house and be sure everything was neat and tidy.  Could take him up to seven minutes to do…

It’s not only that of course, but life happens and unexpected or unanticipated things   And calming a child with anxiety issues does tend to complicate the situation rather. But this is what life is about.  Helping your child to learn everything they need to know to give them the ability to do whatever it is they want to do.

So, life can be interesting but no matter what, keep breathing and if you have to take some time to yourself, make sure everyone is safe and do so.  It’s not going to harm anyone.


Have I got some news for you?


Thoughts on why I love etching