
Oh boy!  What I could tell you about it….but I won’t because I don’t want you to be scared of it, scared of the almost mystique of it, or even turn you away from something that could do you a LOT of good!

I think the very first thing to tell you is that you NEED to trust the therapist as they trust you.  As you know, I am going through therapy myself.  And we have moved to what I would call a new and deeper level of it this week.

Not that I had any idea what would happen - you never know until you start speaking to the therapist!  You see, even if you both get along, even if you have a great connection with them it’s always also dependent on how they two of us are feeling or things that have gone on before the session.

Amazingly, I think, I had worried about what it would be like getting to the really deep stuff.  Yes it’s exhausting, yes it’s breath-taking, yes it’s a good feeling, yes you feel all over the place for a bit, yes you’re shocked by what you realise you are saying and yes, (most importantly) it’s extremely emotional.

I also began to start seeing things in my past from a different angle and why I coped with them as I had and why some things had confused me now were beginning to make sense.  Doesn’t make everything right and doesn’t PUT it right, but it’s the UNDERSTANDING that is needed.

And if therapy is needed either by yourself or any of your friends and family members, please DO encourage them to keep going and keep trying to find the right individual for them.  It took me 15 years..


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