Thoughts on why I love etching

Well, as you have read in a previous post or can check up, I got to wondering and contemplating exactly WHY I love etching so much.  Sometimes the answer is just as easy to give as the person asking the question is.  Other times it feels like you’re travelling through heavy sludge that drags you down and pulls everything away from you.

I had even forgotten the world of etching  because it was buried in me for such a long time.  In fact, I can’t even REMEMBER doing it, but I DO remember the love of flowers and the (apparently) sweet calls of birds to one another, the sun on my face just relaxing outside and enjoying the peace and tranquillity with a hat of some description on my head so I didn’t get sunburn.

Truthfully, I can’t tell you when I did this, but I DO remember the feelings of peace and love, tranquillity and contentedness while I tackled yet another picture.  Not only was I doing something creative, I was uncovering or discovering the composition of its creator.

And for me, I think that uncovering what the artist intended is exquisite and peeling back the layers to what is hidden inside like gold dust or treasure.


Life Can Be Interesting


When your thoughts go a wandering