Unexpected things and anxiety

It can be quite hard to live with sudden events happening.  But life throws them up and suddenly glitches are part of life and there is nothing we can do to prevent them occurring in life.  

Personally I have lived with anxiety for more years than I can remember.  And even just generalised anxiety can be a nightmare to deal with;  Part of the anxiety, I will admit, was what was going to happen next  Something you have to learn to live with.  

Mix this with a child on the spectrum who ALSO has anxiety above the level of anxiety they live with it’s REALLY hard for them to deal with.  And by the time someone on the spectrum is anxious already, keeping calm in difficult situations is the best thing you can do.

We can predict and prepare our children with everything that will happen, but we do try our best within the parameters of what the child understands   For someone like Johnathan the fact of the matter is that even he get anxious over things that seem small, but have left a deep impression on him and the same can be said of me.

Anxiety, no matter where it is from, or comes to you, is not pleasant for the person or the people with them to deal with.  Sometimes I feel really bad for Kevin living with two anxious personalities but he is so calm and measured in everything he says and that is such a great technique to calm us down.


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