A collection of my poetry and prose.
Scroll down too see more.
Lots of Thoughts
I don’t know if you ever have something on your mind for days? You know, where it sits in the back of your mind and then germinates.
Bluey again
This morning I had woken in the night a few times and Johnathan was up early so we watched some children’s tv. There were a couple of episodes of Bluey.
The autistic brain
As I have mentioned before (probably more than once) the autistic brain is formed in the person in the womb, so they are born with it.
Cat cafe and autism
There is a cat cafe in Glasgow and Kevin and Johnathan went there tonight for the first time. They enjoyed the time with the cats and the food was ok.
Sooooo….what’s next?
Well today we have had our old sofa removed as a new one is coming tomorrow. It was quite a weird feeling because we have had it since summer of 2011.
Plans and people with autism
Now as you already know if you have read my posts before, changing plans or something is often too much for my son to handle even though he is 10 years old.
Learning Difficulties and Autism
I must admit, I am coming to you from the perspective of having a high functioning child on the spectrum. I was about to say that he doesn’t have learning difficulties but I guess it’s exactly how you define them!
A Change in Scenery
A change in scenery can be a momentous thing. Especially if you haven’t left the house for a while.
Unexpected Happenings
Do you find unexpected happenings a bit (I don’t know) disturbing or exciting or do you “take them in your stride” as I heard when I was young?
Frustration and autism
Now I’m not going to talk about people on the spectrum who get frustrated to start with. I want to begin with US when we get frustrated with them.
Fantasy? Really?
I want to talk to you about fantasy fiction. Well, I suppose in some ways ALL fantasy is fiction because it’s not real. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t have certain fundamentals that need to be followed because it does.
Unusual things
Are there times you see something and you think “”yeah, that won’t work” or “come on, seriously, show me something sensible!”