Cat cafe and autism

There is a cat cafe in Glasgow and Kevin and Johnathan went there tonight for the first time.     They enjoyed the time with the cats and the food was ok.

There were notices around the cafe of the cats you needed to avoid.  Kevin hadn’t seen them and had one of the grumpiest cats there purring happily and accepting lots of his attention.  

The staff were surprised at this but when Kevin told  me I thought to myself “ah, they didn’t know they had my husband the cat whisperer!” Honestly, he can generally get any cat kind and accepting the attention he wants to give them quite happily.

Johnathan said he didn’t like the cheesecake.  When Kevin bought out a box for me and said he had cheesecake slice for me, I was quite excited because I haven’t had cheesecake for a while.  

I will admit it wasn’t the best cheesecake I have ever had and I could certainly understand WHY Johnathan had taken an instant dislike to it.  So I said to him that when he has a really GOOD cheesecake where the layers are in proportion and the ingredients, too, he will like it.  

Don’t get me wrong - it just wasn’t Mary Berry or Masterchef level.  And I’m not expecting that.  It’s literally just a cafe with cats in.  Cats are the main attraction and the food is just a by product to help to keep you there.

They say cats are autistic (which I can certainly see WHY living with autism and cats!).  Regulation, same time, same place, no alternatives allowed…sound like someone you know or look after?!


The autistic brain


Sooooo….what’s next?