The autistic brain

As I have mentioned before (probably more than once) the autistic brain is formed in the person in the womb, so they are born with it.

And what is remarkable is just how differently their brain works.  I thought, as a writer, I had what felt like millions of ideas at once and it was quite normal. 

But I have discovered Johnathan has way more things running round his head than I ever do.  And his mind is so quick to change from one thing to another.  When he was younger and he would do something that seemed completely bizarre, he would say to me, “but my head told me to do it!” 

What could I say?  Johnathan meant no harm and he honestly felt that if his head told him to do something, he had to do it.  He didn’t understand that it might not quite be safe.  

What was I going to say?  Oh yes, he used to LOVE watching cars racing on something and falling off and crashing.  And he would ask me to watch it with him.  Unfortunately I could visualise the damage it would do to the driver and he was concentrating on how well they drove before they crashed out off whatever surface they were on!

The autistic brain is marvellous in the way it works, but you never know what it is going to produce and often it is something amazing.


Bluey again


Cat cafe and autism