Sooooo….what’s next?

Well today we have had our old sofa removed as a new one is coming tomorrow.  It was quite a weird feeling because we have had it since summer of 2011.

The weird thing is thinking that Johnathan has only ever known the two sofas we had.  Some years ago, one of the sofas broke and we had to get rid of it.  

Mostly, that couch was used when Johnathan wasn’t well.  Johnathan chose the new couch, but I am going to try it to see if it is comfortable and if so, I am going to get a chair in the same style and we will match again.

You might be asking where Kevin sits - well, he uses his wheelchair.  Trying to get two electric wheelchairs in a small bungalow is not easy!  So he uses his in the sitting room and mine is in the hallway between the front door and Johnathan’s room, except when it needs charging and then we just change the two chairs round.

So, tomorrow the new sofa comes and that lovely clean carpet underneath the area will be covered up again.  The animals have been totally shocked by the loss of the couch and not behaving like themselves today.  

I don’t know how the animals will behave tonight - probably have us up a few times for no reason.  They really don’t like an empty space there.  And I have NO idea what they will think of a BROWN sofa changing to a CREAM colour AND having heated seats!


Cat cafe and autism


Plans and people with autism