Beauty is…

Have you ever sat down and thought about the beauty of life itself?  There have been many times I have, actually.  In fact, there are many different occasions that have brought me back to rediscover my love of life itself.

There are obviously different situations that bring you to an understanding that life is beautiful.  The beauty of life is all around us, if we can but see it.  In fact, many things and people and places can bring us back to that knowledge.  I can remember one day as a child I was walking down the stairs being upset over something (I don’t remember what) and I stopped at the window on the stairs to catch my breath and as I looked out, I saw a robin staring back at me and although the upset didn’t disappear, I can remember thinking how beautiful the life of the robin was.

One of the things that has always (and probably always will) brought me back to the realisation of the beauty of life is when I have been so sick that I believed I might die and I have had some medical people tell me how lucky I am to be alive because of……whatever it is.  

Unfortunately I suffer from depression and anxiety and I will admit that these have caused me some issues when my medication has been incorrect for whatever reason.  But the beauty of my life is that I have an amazing husband who can tell when I get into that state without realising and he reminds me of the glory of our life together and that always brings me back to the realisation of the wonderful relationship we have and that I really don’t want to lose it.

Have you ever been at the birth of a baby?  Well, I will admit that I had not seen a baby born ever, until I came to Scotland.  However, I have always loved children and babies - especially babies.  And I have always felt that when I look at a tiny baby, I can see the beauty in life.  I mean, how amazing is it that this small child has even entered the world?  

When Johnathan was born, just to stare at him in his cot at the hospital and administer to his every need was amazing.  The feelings that flooded my soul were immense and at that time I loved the beauty of his life.  To look after a baby or child and provide for them in every way they need, is just a glorious privilege that is not granted to everyone in life.  And it’s a beauty to see their life and how they change and grow.  

The life of an animal is beautiful too, although I must admit I can’t see the beauty in snakes and lizards and things like that.  In my lifetime, I have looked after many different animals - my own and others’.  And the beauty of life sweeps over my soul as I provide for them and see their different characters.  The different personalities they possess can bring a smile  to my face.  

I think it’s important to see the beauty in life in order to help us as we grow, develop, change and learn.  I love the things that do show the beauty in life - whether animal, plant or human.

What do you think?


The Joy of Life


Beauty is…