Hope and Expectation

I must admit, I was thinking I would just do a post about hope.  But then I thought that when you hope you have an expectation something WILL happen because you are hoping it will.  So I would say that the two words are definitely linked.

The other day, Johnathan was expecting Kevin to play with him at night (something on the wii or switch) and a game that he knows I won’t be able to play.  And Kevin said to him that he had to work instead and so Johnathan would have to play with me or his friends or by himself.  So…..Johnathan decided to take that to mean that he WOULD be playing with Daddy!  I said to him that Daddy had TOLD him he was unable to play and he said that he was expecting to actually play!  So in this instance because he hoped to play with Daddy his expectation was that it would happen even though the circumstances were contrary.

You can see that the above example is one of hope and expectation in the wrong way.  But you CAN use it for the right things.  I’m not saying they will always happen or that your hopes and expectations will come true.  I was saying in my post on Expectations that when I came to Scotland I had unrealistic ideas of meeting and making close friends with another lady (a best friend in fact) to a degree that I’ve never had before.  I had a best friend TO me, but (I think) I don’t think she viewed me the same way.  And I wanted to find someone where it was best friends to each other.  A family was also what I desired.

In some ways I got my wish because just longer than two months after I moved to Scotland I met Kevin and we got married within a year.  So I got my best friend and family with him and that was amazing.  I had known from a young age that if I married I would marry a disabled man.  And when I met Kevin online, I knew he was the one but I didn’t know he was disabled until I met him.

My problem was I had thought/hoped/expected to find more people than Kevin as a family and best friend.  But my hope and expectation didn’t change when I saw the reality of the situation.  The fact is, you have to be aware of and match your expectation to what is there.  However, after (let me think) nearly 14 years I am having meaningful contact with my sister again.  And Johnathan is a blessing and a joy.

You can dream way above where you are…well, if all my books were written and finished and published and people were buying them…the world would be my oyster!  But we are NOT in that position.  I knew that I was unable to create a website and do all the social media I needed myself, but we have managed to find Jamie who is sorting it all out for me and doing a fantastic job.  My dream was to have a space in the online world through a website and social media, but it wasn’t a dream I could bring to fruition.  So when Jamie was suggested to me, I hoped he would be the right person and once he “got” me via my logo, I expected he would be able to create the website and do all the social media.

What it boils down to is knowing when something is a dream, when it can become hope and when that can turn to expectation and then the reality appears.  There’s a process we have to go through if we want to reach reality and those are the steps we need to take.


Where do you find your inner peace?

