A collection of my poetry and prose.


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Short Story Anika Drysdale Short Story Anika Drysdale

What I really want to say is

Yesterday, I sat down and was looking at my emails and wondering what was in them and in one there was a challenge for seven minutes to write What I really want to say is and just go and get it said.

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Short Story Anika Drysdale Short Story Anika Drysdale

World Autism Day

Do you know, I have felt really bad because I missed it! It was actually yesterday and I just didn’t clock the fact. My brain and body have been so mixed up this last week.

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Short Story Anika Drysdale Short Story Anika Drysdale

Over 2k people

I can’t remember if I’ve told you how much I appreciate you coming and reading the posts I’ve written. You see, I write with my reader in mind.

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Short Story Anika Drysdale Short Story Anika Drysdale

Rainbows and Easter

You might think this is a weird combination to be talking about to you. But there was a beautifully clear rainbow this week that Kevin took a photo of and I’m sharing with you today.

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