Uh-oh..I’ve ordered something

“What?” you ask.  “That’s ridiculous!  Why on earth would you worry about ordering something?”  Well, let me tell you a bit about autism.

When someone has autism, ordering things can be an issue.  Nine years ago, when we first moved in, the “team” decided to give us a noisy, sharp flow shower IN SPITE of me begging for a bath because it would suit the three of us SO much better.

As you are no doubt aware by now from reading my articles, you know that Johnathan has sensory issues.  Which means he couldn’t stand the noise, being shut in a unit and the water hitting him would have been excessive.  So I realised he couldn’t use the shower.

That meant every week the carers had to give him a bed bath - NOT the best thing in the world, but the best I could do.  When we got the money we had the bath installed and Johnathan chose the walls and went up and down in the bath seat but at first demanded his socks remain on….no problem!

And now I have just chosen and ordered a new floor for the hallway at the front door to his bedroom….this could be interesting…I have no idea how he will feel about this.


What I really want to say is


Bits and bobs