Where has all the grey gone?

There are so many shades so many shades of any colour that one could talk about.  But today I want to call your attention to something which is called black and white thinking, it causes anxiety in the person thinking in this manner. Extreme anxiety because they literally cannot see a connection between their thinking and reasoning.

In fact the phenome takes over so completely that there is no grey in this area, but it actually doesn’t exist.  It results in very rigid thinking and can also breed depression.  In my case, when I arrived in Scotland my own black and white thinking had to change.  I had to admit that not only did grey exist but I had judged people much too harshly before.

You see, when I arrived in Scotland I was in a terrible state of mental health and was suffering badly with nightmares that freaked me out and so I finally ended up living in Kevin’s flat without relations until after marriage.

Before this I would have sworn blind it was impossible for a man and woman to be sharing the same bed without having relations and I KNEW that there wasn’t any chance of it happening, I thought.

Well, because the nightmares were so intense I would wake up screaming and scared that what I dreamt was real  and sleep didn’t return. If I would not return to sleep.  So I had no choice but to move in with Kevin because he was willing to wake up and help me realise I wasn’t alone and it was just a nightmare.  He was very compassionate and caring which I was truly grateful for.

So I had to find the grey that there are certain circumstances. That made it necessary and possible to do. You see, there ARE shades of grey.  Life isn’t  black. Or white , yes or no.  People are much more complex  than that.


Worry Monster

