Worry Monster

Have you ever heard of the worry monster?  Well, if not, basically the concept is you take the worry monster, it feels really good  and soft and safe.  You take it with you and if you realise a worry you write it down or draw a picture and put it in there.

As far as I know, there are two different ways to use the worry monster, no, actually 3 that I know of.  There are so many everyone has different worries and different ways of dealing with them.  And not every method works for one person – you need a combination of things.  Sometimes one thing will work one day and other times you have to use a different way to help calm yourself.

Anyway, back to the worry monster itself.  The thing is lovely and soft to touch with different textures so if you  need a specific nice one, you can find it and hold it in your hand and hopefully feel somewhat better and more in control of yourself.  Now I quite like the theory of this one because I love soft and beautiful textures and materials and why should we not have nice things to feel and live with?

Now the next two are using the same technique but differently.  You basically open the mouth of the worry monster and put a picture or write down what you are worrying about.  Then you can imagine the monster has eaten them all up.  If this is the path you would use, I would urge you to get someone else to empty it for you.

The last one is that you get the worry you are feeling out of your head so that you can do whatever it is you need and then take the worries out of the monster (Preferably with a therapist but you can do it with family or friends too) and you talk about them and learn how to reframe them.

Now I’m not going to tell you it’s easy and your worries will be gone in the morning because, let’s face it. Worries don’t vanish overnight.  You have to work on them.

And that, my friends is the worry monster.  You may know other ways it can work so feel free to share them – it could be the answer someone needs.


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