We don’t always get things right 

None of us are perfect so we don’t always get things right, even if we mean well.  I have put myself in a precarious position many times, as I am sure you have, too.  The reality is that we are human and even if we mean well by saying certain things, it’s not a guarantee that the person we are addressing feels that we have done things with the best intention.

And I will freely admit that living with a child on the spectrum is not easy.  There can be lots of factors that mean you don’t think things through before you speak or write to someone.  For example, when you’re not well or having a situation that you’re trying to deal with, or are tired because of doing things like getting up and writing in the night (yep, that’s me!), or you are needing to look after children or animals, life can become almost too much and you make mistakes.

Life is not a static thing.  You change and grow and develop and that is the reality of living.  And when you have someone in the family who dreads change, it can be difficult to live with.  But that doesn’t mean your life is terrible.  You just have to pivot in your thinking about how you deal with things.

I was chatting today to someone about the fact that just because they were dyslexic, it didn’t mean they were stupid or dumb, it just means they struggle with reading and writing.  As a writer, I can’t understand what they are going through, but that doesn’t mean you can’t empathise with them.  

Life is for living, but we have to remember that not everybody is having a great day – they may possibly be facing something that you don’t have any clue about, so I think it’s always best to err on the side of caution and be kind to them.


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