Triggers For You

Have you ever sat and thought that someone said or did something that made you feel uncomfortable?  And you wonder why it is because what happened would seem to have been perfectly innocuous.  So why did it happen?

Triggers are things that connect you to the past - sometimes they are GOOD triggers and bring lovely thoughts and feelings to you.  All I have to do is smile as I remember our wedding day and the beautiful dress I had and just how wonderful people were helping me to prepare when they hardly even knew me.

But then there can be things that remind you of times that you’d rather forget.  Things that make you cringe, or blush, or get angry or whatever negative emotions the situations arouse in you.  

These things are called triggers - basically because they have “triggered” an emotion in you, whether good or bad.  This last week has surprisingly been particularly difficult for me because negative emotions had returned to the surface and it sent me spiralling into depression again.  Basically, I mentally clocked out.

Now it’s not good to REMAIN in that position and if you find it hard to understand and hear your thoughts, speaking to a counsellor or therapist will really help you.  And doing lots of self care tasks.  Because when things like this happen, we need to take care of our bodies so that our minds can heal.

I don’t know if you remember that I talk about the fact that if I’m not comfortable I simply CAN’T write.  Well, I believe that when your mind needs healing, your body also needs to be comfortable for healing from the negative triggers as well.  So that’s what I’ve been doing and here I am, writing again!


Talking of triggers


We don’t always get things right