Runner or Stayer and Autism

And you’re thinking “What on earth is she talking about?  Runner or stayer?  And combine it with autism?  All children run from their parents at some point or other!”

I will admit that you are correct.  Every child runs away from their parent and almost gets in the road if the parent isn’t quick enough to catch them.  When I was in my flat in England, my neighbour had a small girl – maybe 2 ish years old, I can’t remember.  Anyway, I was coming out of my house to find my neighbour was, too.  She turned to put some things she was carrying in the car and her daughter made a run for it while her Mum’s back was turned.  I saw it and grabbed her, swinging her in the air and saying that I was going to put her in the car seat today and how exciting it was and how SHE would need to tell me… this time she was giggling her head off

So yes, this sort of thing happens almost every day somewhere in the world.  And if they think they are playing a game of hide and seek among clothes in a shop, as my nephew and niece did many years ago, it’s all part and parcel of having children.

Yes, Kevin and I have been blessed with a stayer.  He never tries to get away or figure out passwords or looking in cupboards or running away.  When I hear stories of what some parents go through, my heart goes out to them.  It can be so hard to know what to do!

Now when I say a runner in connection to autism it’s not just a single incident. I am talking about trying to get away from every single solitary thing.  House, cars, car seats, any kind of strap, food, drink – you name it, they’ve tried it.

So the Carer’s/parents/guardians have to keep this child that is a mini Houdini in action 24/7.  They have to have multiple locks everywhere and some procedures in place. It is a living nightmare for them and if they have more than one child, you cannot deny them journeys and trips and things because of it.

Of course there are ways to make your children safe if they are runners. It’s a scary process for Carer’s because they don’t want to seem inefficient in their skills to keep the child safe. There isn’t an easy answer but I know they are findable.  So don’t despair.  There will be a solution.


Thoughts on Soulmates


Wave of Light Finish