Critical Thinking

There is so much we can think about in our day that is actually rather critical.  And we can talk to ourselves about things we think we know about ourselves.  But that doesn’t mean that is true.

Unhelpful thoughts can be very damaging, not only to the mind, but the body, soul and spirit. I don’t know if you’re aware how much your thinking can impact your physical and mental wellbeing.  

And we don’t have to be critical only of ourselves for it to impact us.  We can become critical of the others around us, or even on the tv or people around us or out in society.  

Having said that, I know I was critical in my past over people who had children if their children ever started to scream or argue or run around or what have you.  I thought the adult should be able to control the child and when I saw anything like this I would get really angry and frustrated inside.  That anger then made it hard for me to be able to relax and get to sleep and I would spend sleepless nights thinking about the parent and child.

But then I came up to Scotland and realised that I was totally unrealistic in my expectations.   Children cry because they are hungry, thirsty, dirty, tired or bored.  And when I had Johnathan and he just didn’t cope with certain things, I began to recognise other people trying to figure out what was going on with their child and say something encouraging to them.  

Then we come to critical thinking of ourselves.  Is this wise?  Is it necessary?  Does it help us?  I would say the answer to all 3 is no, of course not.  But we still have that little voice deep inside us that tells us how bad we are and everything we do is terrible.  

So we have to slowly and carefully begin to stop these words.        as Fill our mind with good thoughts and intentions.  We know what the right thing is, but it’s so hard to do.  Ask your family or friends to help you by being honest but supportive of what you do.

You don’t need someone who is brutal with their honestly but if they love you and wish to help you, they will.  And you can begin making those tiny steps forward yourself or sometimes you might need the right kind of therapy to get you to where you want to go.  And there’s no shame or criticism for doing so.  If you need it, have it.


Helicopter Parenting or Natural Safety

