
There are so many people on the spectrum that are good with learning science, indeed for some like Einstein was and that I am grateful for all the work he did for science.   People on the spectrum often are able to do precise jobs and they created computers and inventions and can instinctively create.

One of the things I discovered early about Johnathan is he LOVES science.   When he was three years old, there was a science app on the computer going really cheap.  He said it would be something Johnathan wouldn’t look at it, unless he needed.

Just as he was reassuring me, Johnathan walked in and asked what kind of app this new one was with letters and numbers and interesting tubes and stuff…..and proceeded to test Daddy AND me on the periodic table!  My tiny bit of knowledge was mournfully accepted and he went to Daddy to find out what the Periodic Table actually was and all the gases turned into others.

One of the few people who didn’t know I thought Johnathan was autistic asked me how I knew that he was autistic and I said “I don’t know any other child that would want to learn the Periodic Table at 3 years old!?  And she had to agree with me that is unusual!  

Another thing that was a clear indication there was something wrong was his extreme verbal response at home and hardly any outdoors.  If we were at the hospital, I had many people ask about this.  My reaction was that he did it because he was autistic and they replied “But he CAN’T be!  He’s not diagnosed yet!” 

Diagnosed or not, he behaved autistic because autism is REAL and the child is autistic FROM BIRTH.  And you can’t take the autism out of them.  They will behave in an autistic way, because that is what they ARE!




Challenging Behaviour and Autism