
One of the things I have discovered as a positive thing about myself, I guess, is that I tend to contemplate on a lot of things.  And that’s not actually a bad thing, because contemplating and thinking about good things is great.  Even helps you meditate a bit.  


Of course, the downside is that sometimes contemplation can be negative.  If you keep thinking unhelpful thoughts you will soon discover that anxiety and depression increase rapidly.  I am not suggesting that one has to think positively ALL the time because that is unrealistic and life happens, because it IS life.  


So being realistic during contemplation is something I believe to be essential.  Now, I’m not saying you have to think in amazing terms – you don’t!  With ALL my writing there is a level of contemplation that comes into it – some more than others.  But every piece has to be thought out and thought  through.  


I’m not sure if my poetry or prose takes longer to think about.  Basically, I think it depends on what it is and the inspiration point.  Sometimes it will be days of contemplating or minutes/seconds.  Every piece I compose is so perfectly attuned to myself and my own way of writing.  


Johnathan asked me the other day why I worked so much later in the evening and just didn’t write whatever I wanted during the day.  I said to him “Darling, I’m the sort of writer that has to write when she gets the inspiration – or the “end point” where I can start to write.  And sometimes that contemplation doesn’t reach its finish until really late.  In fact, you can ask Daddy bur I have woken him up to find my ipad pencil because I couldn’t find it and I sometimes need it to do something else so I can think about things.”


I will say that today’s post is interesting.  I think I’ve told you before that I am a discovery writer and sometimes I need the help of something beautiful to be able to concentrate  on something before the period of contemplation has completed and I can write the piece.


Getting Moving as Autistic Brains

